2 Dorrs Down


Abolish the Felony Murder Rule that Unjustly Imprisons Americans

This petition emerged from a deeply personal concern about how the felony murder rule is trapping Americans in a lifetime of incarceration. This current rule unjustly allows for individuals, including juveniles, to be sentenced to life in prison for murder—even when they have not actually committed the killing. This is not just an abstract concept—it is an unpalatable reality for too many young lives.

The felony murder rule acts as a loophole, enabling prosecutors to effectively bypass the necessity to prove intent in murder charges. The violation of our inherent right to fair trial is evident; this loophole abuses the principles of criminal responsibility by enabling unwarranted life sentences without the need to demonstrate that intent to kill existed.

In the United States, teenagers have been harshly sentenced due to this rule. Shockingly, around 26% of juveniles serving life without parole didn’t actually commit the murder, according to The Sentencing Project. The sheer extent of this problem overwhelms our basic notions of justice, robbing these juveniles of both their freedom and their chance for growth and reform.

We urgently call for the abolition of the felony murder rule. Adequate penalties should pertain to actual deeds and the full context of actions – and not sweep up those who did not kill and had no intention of killing. Let’s call upon our lawmakers to review this outdated and profoundly unjust law and end the penalization of our young individuals without a proper examination of their case and intent.

Please, stand with us in the march towards a more equitable justice system. It’s time to ensure that punishment fits the crime. Sign this petition – because no one should lose their life to a loophole.